A 37-person docket was heard Tuesday morning by Judge Bill Locke in General Sessions Arraignment Court. Included in the morning session:Indra Myers was ordered to serve five days of an 11-month, 29-day sentence and complete a mental health evaluation for vandalism and domestic assault.Dakota West was instructed to serve 45 days of an 11-29 sentence and pay $200 plus costs for driving on a revoked license, possession of drug paraphernalia, and violation of probation.Crystal Violes was handed an 11-29 probationary sentence and must make $365 restitution for passing worthless checks.Kelsie L. Hedge and Luke Von Primm were fined $50 and placed on unsupervised probation for six months for possession of alcohol under the age of 21.James Kennedy must pay $50 plus costs for possessing alcohol in a state park.Andrew Lewis must serve 10 days and enter the batterer intervention program for violating the terms of his judicial diversion.William S. Cornett was directed to serve 90 days and have his probation extended by a year for violation of probation.The remaining cases on the docket were set for hearing on a later date.
General Sessions Court 7-29