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General Sessions 5-5
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Sentences were handed down Tuesday by Judge Bill Locke in General Sessions Court. Included in court action:Robert James Tanner was ordered to serve 30 days of an 11-month, 29-day sentence and must undergo a mental evaluation for joyriding.Gary Dwayne Thrower was instructed to serve 30 days of an 11-29 sentence and pay $750 plus costs for possession of meth.Damon Shay Perkins was bound to the grand jury on the charge of aggravated domestic assault.Jeremy Bouldin was bound to the grand jury on the charge of aggravated assault.Blakney Nicole Taylor was bound to the grand jury on charges of aggravated burglary and joyriding.Charles D. Self was handed an 11-29 probationary sentence and must perform 24 hours public service work and was warned to stay out of Walmart for theft.Jammie Parker was issued an 11-29 probationary sentence and must pay $150 plus costs for possession of drug paraphernalia.Alexis Jones was granted an 11-29 judicial diversion and must perform 24 hours public service work for contributing to the delinquency of a minor. The diversion means she can have her record erased once her probation is complete.Ulises David Huerta was released on time-served for criminal impersonation.Brandon L. Gallahan must serve five days and have his probation extended by six months for violation of probation.Hannah Marie Winfrey had her probation extended by a year for violation of probation.Jeffery Howard Gilbert had his probation revoked for violation of probation.Michael Dusty Hollis Jr. must serve 30 days for violation of probation.Robert Andrew Lyle had his probation extended by one year for violation of probation.Jackie Ray Narramore Jr. must serve 30 days for violation of probation.