The great taste of a banana split will harmonize with discount subscription prices on Friday to provide a powerful incentive to visit the Southern Standard office.
The newspaper will be celebrating the official start of summer in our traditional fashion with free banana splits, drawings for door prizes, and savings on subscriptions.
“We’ve found free ice cream is a popular way to get people to stop by our office,” said Standard publisher Patricia Zechman. “Members of our staff love ice cream too. It’s definitely a day we all enjoy, both for the ice cream and for visiting with members of the community.”
Free banana splits will be served today from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Door prizes to be given away are a gas grill, cooler, and ice cream maker.
It’s also a time for us to go bananas with our subscription prices. You can get the Standard delivered to your home for one year for the low price of $68. That’s just 44 cents an issue, a huge savings from the $1.25 regular price on Sundays.
Discount rates are also available for 6-month, 3-month, and online subscriptions.
Free ice cream at Standard