A man who victimized the Rock Island community, breaking into numerous vehicles, some while people were in church, has been hit with 16 criminal counts.The suspect, Lucas Winston Hedgecoth, 28, has been bound to the grand jury on six counts of burglary, eight counts of theft, and two counts of fraudulent use of a credit card. His alleged partner in crime, Jamie Nicole Powell, has copped a plea before General Sessions Judge Bill Locke to three counts of burglary and theft and was ordered to serve 60 days of three 11-month, 29-day sentences and will be responsible for making part of the restitution to the victims.Investigators say the couple was responsible for breaking into several vehicles in the Rock Island/Great Falls Road area. Several of those break-ins happened outside Rock Island Church of Christ on a Wednesday evening as the victims were attending church services.The burglars reportedly took what they could once they gained access.
Burglary spree leads to multiple criminal charges