List of other new laws taking effect July 1
NASHVILLE (AP) — A list of new Tennessee laws taking effect July 1:
GOV. BILL HASLAM'S BUDGET: Enacts Tennessee's more than $31 billion annual spending plan.
ABORTION DOCTORS: Requires physicians to have hospital privileges in the home or adjacent county of woman seeking abortion.
TRA OVERHAUL: Overhauls the Tennessee Regulatory Authority with a part-time board.
MENTAL HEALTH-NAME CHANGE: Adds the words Substance Abuse Services to the name of the state Department of Mental Health.
EMBRYO ASSAULT: Includes embryo as victim in assaults on pregnant women.
DOMESTIC ABUSE: Requires mandatory jail time for repeat domestic abuse convictions.
GANG BILL: Increases penalties for violent crimes committed by three or more people.
GATEWAY SEXUAL ACTIVITY: Prohibits teachers from promoting or condoning "gateway sexual activity."
CORRECTIONS TRANSFER: Merges the Board of Probations and Parole into the Department of Correction.
CHARTER SCHOOLS FOREIGNERS: Limits number of foreign workers allowed to be employed at charter schools.
CHARTER SCHOOL TRANSPARENCY: Requires charter schools to operate under state open meetings laws.
SCHOOL ACTIVITIES: Allows parents to keep their children from joining extracurricular groups at school.
JUDICIAL DISCIPLINE: Creates new panel for disciplining judges.
DUI MINORS: Increases penalties for drunken driving when child under 18 is in car.
WILD APPEARING SWINE: Makes it a crime to release wild-appearing swine without proper documentation.
BATH SALTS: Makes it a felony to sell synthetic drugs known as bath salts.
BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS: Allows governor to appoint heads of boards, including Tennessee Higher Education Commission.
CIVIL SERVICE: Revises state civil service laws to make it easier to hire and fire state employees.
ETHICS DISCLOSURES: Requires local and regional planning commissioner to submit state ethics disclosures.
MONOXIDE MONITOR-RV: Requires working carbon monoxide detectors in leased recreational vehicles.
REMOTE MEETINGS: Allows school board members to participate in meetings remotely.
ROLL YOUR OWN CIGARETTES: Promulgates rules for new requirements for roll-your-own tobacco retailers.
SAGGY PANTS: Prohibits students from wearing saggy pants or other indecent clothing on school grounds.
SCHOOL SAFETY: Gives teachers more authority to act against students who pose a safety risk.
TATTOO LEGISLATION: Increases the penalty for tattooing a minor.
List of TN laws in effect July 1