A 41-person docket was heard Tuesday morning by Judge Bill Locke in General Sessions arraignment court. Included in court action:• Michael S. Lyle was ordered to serve 48 hours of an 11-month, 29-day sentence, pay $650 plus costs, perform 24 hours public service work, and undergo a drug and alcohol assessment for simple possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia.• Amanda Walden was granted an 11-29 judicial diversion and must perform 24 hours public service work for resisting stop and passing a worthless check for $40.• Michael S. Foster was issued an 11-29 probationary sentence and must perform 24 hours public service work and make $864 restitution to the victim for hindering secured creditors.• Marty Lance must pay $50 plus costs and perform 16 hours public service work for underage consumption.• Sharnese Smith must pay $10 plus costs for possession alcohol in a state park.• Brent Hayes must serve the balance of his sentence for violation of probation.• Dillon Mullican was instructed to serve 48 hours, have his probation extended by six months, and undergo a drug and alcohol assessment for violation of probation.• Chris Rembizewski must serve two days for failure to appear.• John Reynolds must serve two days for failure to appear.• Tony Walls must serve the balance of his sentence for violation probation.• David Speake must serve two days, have his probation extended by six months, and forfeit his cash bond for violation of probation.
General Sessions