Sentences were handed down by General Session Judge Bill Locke during trial court action Tuesday afternoon. Included in the afternoon session:• Jeffery Murphy was ordered to serve 30 days of an 11-month, 29-day sentence and must pay $750 plus costs for possession of drugs.• David McCormick was handed an 11-29 probationary sentence and must enter the batterer intervention program for domestic assault.• Jonathan C. Jacobs was bound to the grand jury on charges of aggravated assault and possession of drugs.• Brooklyn Cantrell was granted an 11-29 judicial diversion and must perform 100 hours public service work for joyriding.• Kerry Goff was handed an 11-29 judicial diversion and must perform 48 hours public service work and stay away from Motlow College for theft.• Larry Hale was issued an 11-29 probationary sentence and must forfeit his weapon for possession of a firearm.• Brandi Hill was given an 11-29 probationary sentence and must perform 25 hours public service work for shoplifting. • Alexander Webb was given an 11-29 sentence and must make restitution for passing two worthless checks.• Michael Dinovo Jr., must pay $10 plus costs for disorderly conduct.• David Galaz must serve 10 days for failure to appear in court and violation of probation.• Ashley Cantrell must serve 45 days for violation of probation.• Crystal Self must serve the balance of her sentence for violation of probation.
General Sessions