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General Sessions
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A 20-person docket was heard Tuesday morning by Judge Bill Locke in General Sessions Court. Included in the morning session:• Joshua Graham was ordered to serve five days of an 11-month, 29-day sentence, make restitution to Delores’ Market and Dr Pepper, perform 25 hours public service work, lose his driver license for a half year, and undergo a drug and alcohol assessment for theft. His sentence will be served in addition to time he owes on other charges in Cannon County.• Kyrie Harris was issued an 11-29 probationary sentence and must attend the batterer program for domestic assault.• Candice Kiselburgh must perform 25 hours public service work and have her probation extended by three months for violation of probation.• Selina McMillen was instructed to serve 10 days for failure to appear in court.