Judge Bill Locke heard cases Tuesday in General Sessions Court, the majority of which were continued to a later date. Included in court action:• Brandon E. Locke was ordered to serve an 11-month, 29-day sentence for possession of cocaine.• Javier C. Diaz was ordered to serve the balance of his sentence for violation of probation.• Ryan Lykins was ordered to serve seven days of an 11-29 sentence for possession of a schedule II drug.• Dewayne Stoner was ordered to serve 10 days for failure to appear.• Eddie Vaughn Jr., was ordered to serve 10 days of an 11-29 sentence, perform 16 hours public service work, and abide by the terms of an order of protection for violating an order of protection.• Mathew L. Watters was given an 11-29 probationary sentence for possession of drug paraphernalia.• Jonathon Whitman was ordered to serve 30 days and have his probation extended by six months for violation of probation.• Latisha Kloosterman was given 10 additional days for failure to report to jail.• Tracy Atterson was ordered to serve 15 days for violation of probation.• Taylor Day was released on time served and given 11-29 probation for possession of a schedule II drug, possession of brass knuckles, possession of drug paraphernalia, and possession of schedule VI drug.• Shanna Duggin was ordered to serve six months for violation of a judicial diversion.• Justin Glover was allowed to enter the Second Chance Program for domestic assault.• Jon Hutcheson was ordered to serve 15 days of an 11-29 sentence for theft and possession of drug paraphernalia.• Daniel A. Mason was ordered to serve 21 days of an 11-29 sentence and attend anger management for domestic assault.• Candace N. Moss was given 11-29 probation and 25 hours public service work for accessory after the fact.
General Sessions