McMinnville Parks and Recreation Department could be getting some slight upgrades over the next year. Director Scott McCord is asking for park improvements in his proposed budget for fiscal year 2015-16.Among the items currently in the budget are $80,000 to add lights to Pete Holt Field, $8,000 for bleachers, $5,000 for pool loungers, $20,000 for netting at Edley Newman and Cat Walker fields, $14,000 for foul poles, $13,000 for soccer goals, and $8,000 for outdoor fitness equipment.According to McCord, outdoor fitness equipment is becoming very popular in parks and along walking trails. By eliminating the cost and improving the accessibility to exercise equipment, public fitness parks can increase activity levels in communities.McCord says the equipment will be evenly placed along the walking trail behind the Civic Center so people can achieve an overall workout.“These are machines that use your own weight.
Finding fitness outdoors