Sentences were handed down by Circuit Court Judge Bart Stanley recently on charges ranging from meth labs to check forgeries. Included in court action:• Claude J. Massey was directed to serve one year of a six-year sentence and pay $50 plus cost for violation of the sexual offender law and 11th-offense driving on a revoked license.• Darrell F. Hobbs was ordered to serve 360 days of a three-year sentence and pay $2,000 plus costs for promoting the manufacture of meth.• James Robert McCall was instructed to serve 150 days of a four-year sentence and must make restitution for theft over $1,000.• Brennen Gerald Meade was ordered to serve 120 days of a six-year sentence and pay $2,000 plus costs for initiating the process to manufacture meth.• Matthew Gerald Edwards was ordered to serve 75 days of a three-year sentence, pay $300 plus costs and perform 40 hours public service work for evading arrest, reckless endangerment with a motor vehicle and driving on a revoked license.• Heather Leanna Poole was given a four-year judicial diversion and must make $7,027 restitution for theft over $1,000.• Tyshom Y. Beasley was granted a three-year judicial diversion and must make $1,012 restitution for passing a forged check, fraudulent use of a credit card, and grand theft.
Circuit Court