Sentences were handed down during the last criminal session of 2013 by Circuit Court Judge Bart Stanley.Included in the last criminal session:• Justin M. Bouldin was ordered to serve 120 days of a two-year sentence, pay $500 plus costs, perform 32 hours public service work and lose his driver license for one year for grand theft, reckless endangerment with a vehicle and DUI.• Stacey Lynn Walker was ordered to serve 96 days of a two-year sentence, make $1,067 restitution and perform 30 hours public service work for grand theft and possession of drug paraphernalia.• James Tyler Garrett was instructed to serve 48 hours and pay $50 plus costs for driving on a revoked license.• Floyd David Kirby must serve 90 days for violation of probation.• Terrence Lamont Malone must serve the balance of his sentence for violating his probation for delivery of drugs.• Gregory Goines must serve the balance of his sentence for violating his probation for DUI and driving on a revoked license. He was given five more days for failure to appear in court.
Circuit Court