Methamphetamine trafficking dominated the Circuit Court docket as Judge Bart Stanley sentenced several during hearing of the narcotics docket. Included in drug sentences:• Eddie Dean Sullivan Jr., was ordered to serve four years in the state penitentiary and pay $2,000 plus costs for promoting the manufacture of meth.• Herbert Gibbons Jones Jr., was directed to serve 180 days of an eight-year sentence and must pay $2,000 plus costs for initiating the process to manufacture meth.• Tabitha Marie Pasley was directed to serve 120 days of a four-year sentence, pay $2,000 plus costs, and perform 40 hours public service work for facilitating the manufacture of meth.• Zach Cantrell was instructed to serve 60 days of a two-year sentence and must pay $2,000 plus costs for promoting the manufacture of meth and possession of a firearm during the commission of a dangerous felony.• Jerald Jones III and Jason Patrick were granted two-year judicial diversions and must pay $2,000 and perform 36 hours public service work for promoting the manufacture of meth. They can have their criminal records erased once they complete probation.• Cathy Gaye Judkins was given a three-year judicial diversion and must pay $2,000 plus costs and perform 16 hours public service work for delivery of drugs.
Circuit Court