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Circuit Court
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Sentences were handed down recently by Circuit Court Judge Bart Stanley for crimes ranging from moving violations to drug fraud.Included in sentencing action:• Rafael Castillo Medellin was ordered to serve 210 days of a four-year sentence, pay $1,000 plus costs and perform 60 hours public service work for seventh-offense driving on a revoked license and violation of habitual traffic offender status. He was given another 45 days for violation of probation.• Julie D. Wright was granted a three-year judicial diversion and must pay $2,000 plus costs for delivery of drugs.• Michael Scott was directed to serve 180 days of an eight-year sentence and must pay $2,000 plus costs for initiating the process to manufacture meth and possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony. He must forfeit his weapon and perform 30 hours public service work.• Bryan T. Jones was ordered to serve 48 hours of an 11-29 sentence, pay $750 plus costs, perform 40 hours public service work and lose his driver license for second-offense DUI.• Khristian Ann Rankin must pay $50 plus costs for driving without a license.