Twelve candidates have thrown their hats into the political ring, taking aim at four alderman seats up for grabs in the November McMinnville elections.Making the qualifying cutoff at noon Thursday were 10 candidates for the three, four-year terms on the McMinnville Board of Mayor and Aldermen. Those qualifying included the lone incumbent, Everett Brock, along with challengers Jimmy W. Bonner Sr., Ben Foust, Jason W. Gross, Mike Neal, Michael Hutcheson, Ben Newman, Darren Pack, Dennis Taylor and Bruce E. Watson.Meanwhile, in the race for the alderman seat given up by Junior Medley upon his recent resignation due to his move to Viola, two candidates have qualified. They are current Alderman Rick Barnes, who chose to seek just the two-year term left on Medley’s post, and challenger Ryan Tackett.In the race for McMinnville mayor, incumbent Mayor Norman Rone will be challenged by Alderman Jimmy Haley, businessman David H. Hill and Republican leader John R. Shields Jr.J.W. Underhill will run unopposed for mayor of Centertown, while Colene Crumbley and Jerry L. Lorance will seek the alderman jobs there.In Morrison, a four-way race will be held for aldermen between Travis L. Battles, Robert Dinwiddie, Chris Farley and David Smith.In Viola, incumbent Mayor Kevin Lawrence is unopposed.
Candidates seek City positions