Theft charges have been filed against a man who reportedly sold a dog that was being kept for a woman living at the battered women’s shelter and then lied to his own mother about what happened to the animal.The youth, Samuel William Bivins, 18, has been cited on misdemeanor theft charges for illegally selling the dog on – a public access sales site."He sold a dog his mother had been keeping for a domestic violence victim that is housed at our local shelter,” said McMinnville Police Sgt. Kenneth Seagraves, noting the teen offered the dog on the sales site under false pretenses. “He sold it to a woman out of Albany, Ky.”Bivins reportedly confessed to the officer, telling him he sold the dog for $240 and then lied to his mother about its whereabouts.“He lied to his mother who had been keeping the dog and stated it ran away while he was walking it,” Seagraves revealed, noting the teen said he has already spent the $240 he got for the dog.Police have been able to find out who bought the dog and anticipate the animal will be returned to its rightful owner, with the costs likely charged to the teen.
Bivins sells dog, lies to own mother