The Warren County High School JV/Freshman football team continued its unbeaten streak Thursday as they played host to Tullahoma at Nunley Stadium for a 36-23 win.“We finally had a complete game with the offense, defense and special teams all doing their part,” said Warren County head coach Paul Martin.Tearing up the turf, the Pioneers gained a whopping 449 yards on the ground with Jay Rozier having 15 carries for 125 yards, Kevin Sifuentes 5 for 43 yards, Tre Ladet 10 for 115 yards, Josh Macanas 8 for 101 yards with an 81-yard kickoff return for a touchdown, Noah Martin went 3 for 25 yards and Noah Miles had 5 for 40 yards.The Pioneer defense was in top form with three picks. Carter Mansfield, Kevin Sifuentes and Eli Buchanan each had an interception during the game.Luke Nisbett, Jared Muncey, Noah Martin (fumble recovery), and Ethan Cowan all had good defensive nights with multiple tackles and assists.
WCHS JV beats Tullahoma