VCU: Vanquished.
Yale: Back to class.
Hawaii: Said Aloha.
Stephen F. Austin: History.
Looking for that only-in-March underdog to cheer for in the Sweet 16? Not gonna find them.
Instead, the tally of teams left in the NCAA Tournament reads like a Who's Who list of college basketball's best program: All four No. 1 seeds advanced, and even the so-called underdogs — No. 10 Syracuse and No. 11 Gonzaga — aren't looking or acting like them.
Most casual fans (whose brackets are already obliterated) would naturally gravitate toward the underdog. Sans that, here's a quick look at the 16 teams left, and why you just might want to pull for them anyway. (Seeding in parenthesis)
Heartstrings: Wayne Selden wears a white-and-pink wristband as a shout-out to 9-year-old Karis Selk, who has been diagnosed with brain cancer.
Underdog cred: It's a reach here, but their two best players, Selden and Perry Ellis, are upperclassmen who will not be NBA lottery picks.