TO THE EDITOR:This letter is in response to the letter in the Wednesday, Aug. 31 edition titled "Burning flags not proper disposal."In accordance with Title 4, Chapter 1, U.S. code, as adopted by the National Flag Conference, Washington D.C., June 14-15, 1923 and with all amendments and revisions to date, there are no stipulations as to the origin and/ or material for the manufacturing of the U.S. flag.All flags are to be honored and retired properly. If a flag becomes unserviceable and no longer suited for display, it is to be retired by a proper ceremony and burning.American Legion Post 173 is honored to continue with our retirement ceremony annually and will be accepting unserviceable flags for this purpose.John A. DavisAdjutantAmerica Legion Post 173
Letter to the Editor 9-14
Burning is proper for flag retirement