Amanda Jean Wanamaker, 34, of McMinnville passed from this life unexpectedly Wednesday, Jan. 10. She was preceded in death by grandparents, Don and Jean Preston and Jake Wanamaker. Amanda is sadly missed and survived by her mother, Dana Wanamaker; father and stepmother, Randy and Brenda Wanamaker; sister, Gail Hobbs Wanamaker; two nieces and one nephew, Alexa and Joe Austin and Layla Beth Hobbs; grandmother, Isabell Wanamaker; three aunts, Darla Shelley, Dawn Wagoner and Rhonda Lewis; four special cousins, Billy Preston, Kyla Harris and Mike and Larenda Stephens; special friends, Natasha Bryant, Beth Slaughter and Kacie Nunley and godmother, Anita Wanamaker.
Amanda Jean Wanamaker, 34