Two lucky puppies got the royal treatment Thursday as a plane landed at Warren County Memorial Airport to transport them to a temporary home in Georgia.Warren County Animal Control director Kim Pettrey and county commissioner Sally Brock delivered two young Shetland Sheepdogs “Sheltie” puppies to the airport and greeted Kent Gorton from the Sheltie Rescue of Georgia, Inc.who had flown to McMinnville to rescue two abandoned pups.Gorton and his wife run the Sheltie Rescue and Gorton owns a two-seater plane which he uses to fly anywhere there are abandoned Sheltie dogs. He said his rescue placed between 30 and 40 dogs last year. The puppies, estimated to be about seven or eight months old, were brought into Animal Control as strays earlier in the week.
Look, up in the sky, it's two puppies