A 43-person arraignment docket was heard Tuesday by Judge Bill Locke during the morning session of General Sessions Court.Included in arraignment court action:• Jessica Martinez was ordered to serve 60 days of an 11-month, 29-day sentence and pay $352 for fourth-offense driving on a revoked license.• Jamie Powell was given a six-month sentence but released on time served and must pay $488 for criminal impersonation, driving on a suspended license and failure to appear in court.• Bradley Robertson was given a six-month probationary sentence and must pay $608 for criminal impersonation, driving on a suspended license, failure to appear in court and violation of probation.• Katherine Simmons was granted an 11-29 probationary judicial diversion and must pay $280 and attend anger management for domestic assault.• Billy O’Neal Johnson was issued an 11-29 probationary sentence and must pay $380 and attend anger management classes for domestic assault.• Keiffer Bain was issued an 11-29 probationary sentence and must pay $280 and attend anger management for domestic assault.• Shelby Parsley was given a six-month probationary sentence and must pay $422 for passing a worthless check for $100.• Daniel Jones must pay $192 and lose his hunting license for killing out of season.• John Hughes must pay $492 and lose his hunting license for one year spotlighting deer and hunting in a closed season.• Phillip Stevens was give a six-month probationary sentence and must pay $492 and lose his hunting license for spotlighting deer and hunting in closed season.• Dawn Moore must serve 10 days and have her probation extended by six months for violation of probation.• Andrea Meeks must serve the balance of her sentence for violation of probation.Clarification: Vickie Elaine Woodlee of Bybee Branch Road is not the Vicky Woodlee charged with vandalism.
Locke hears 43-person arraignment docket