Unless otherwise indicated, county meetings are held at Warren County Administrative Offices located at 201 Locust Street and city meetings are held at City Hall located at 101 E. Main Street. Tuesday, Oct. 25 The county Financial Management Committee will meet at 3:30 p.m. to: 1) award bid for Warren County Memorial Airport clearing project; 2) award bid for vehicles for Warren County Sheriff’s Department; 3) award bid for network technical services for Warren County Schools; 4) consider a Tennessee Felony Court Program for the Transition for Recovery Grant Program contract; 5) budget amendments and transfers if any; 6) surplus property approval and disposition if any. McMinnville’s Board of Mayor and Aldermen will hold its regular session at 7 p.m. Among the items on the agenda is a request letter from Heritage Alliance to sponsor a downtown sidewalk sale Oct. 29 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., and a resolution authorizing the creation of a tourism development authority.
Upcoming Meetings 10-23