It will cost an additional $50 per court case in Warren County.The full Warren County Commission met Monday night and approved two resolutions to charge an additional $50 to increase its revenue from $10 per case to $60 and use that money to fund expansion at the jail. Increasing the court cost fee was a recommendation by the county Budget and Finance Committee as a “creative” revenue source for increasing the bed capacity of the jail.According to Warren County assistant attorney Robert Bratcher, the county has been charging $10 per case since 2000 by Tennessee Code Annotated. New regulations allow the county to include additional charges of $25, along with another $25 the county can use for jail or workhouse construction, or on courthouse renovations.One of the two fees can also be used for courthouse security.The additional revenue could bring in $230,000 annually, if the amount of paid court costs remains unchanged.
County OKs $50 court cost increase