Sentences were handed down recently by Circuit Court Judge Bart Stanley for offenses ranging from drug dealing to reckless driving. Included in sentences:Johnny W. Walker was ordered to serve 145 days of a four-year sentence, pay $50 plus costs and perform 40 hours public service work for evading arrest, reckless endangerment and driving on a revoked license.Jennifer Diane Sparkman and Thomas Roy Sparkman were instructed to serve 180 days of eight-year sentences and must pay $2,000 plus costs plus $1,500 for enrollment into adult recovery court, which is an intensive 18-month rehabilitation program overseen by the local court system aimed at cutting down on recidivism among substance abuse offenders. Their sentences come for delivery of methamphetamine.Holly Belcher Carter was ordered to serve 180 days of an eight-year sentence and must pay $2,000 plus costs for manufacture of methamphetamine.Latisha Kaye Grandey was directed to serve 180 days of an eight-year sentence, pay $2,000 and was sent to adult recovery court for delivery of methamphetamine.
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