Titans quarterback Marcus Mariota spoke to a packed house at Charlie Dalton Gymnasium Tuesday, imparting a wealth of life lessons, plus a sizeable amount of monetary wealth as well. Mariota personally donated $5,000 to the high school program matched in kind by the NFL for a $10,000 total.Mariota was in town speaking to residents of Warren County, including many student athletes, in partnership with Saint Thomas Health on a tour of four area high schools in the Saint Thomas area including Woodbury, Smithville and Sparta.Mariota imparted life lessons learned from high school to the national spotlight on the gridiron as a leader both on and off the field for the Titans.“I played football, basketball, ran track and even played a little soccer. I kind of did a little of everything; it was an awesome time and some of my closest friends today are from high school.
Titanic donation
NFL, Mariota team up to give $10K to WCHS football program