Over 85 student-athletes participated in the WCHS basketball camp this week held Tuesday through Thursday at Charlie Dalton Gym.Learning the fundamentals, all the way from dribbling to offensive and defensive formations, were students from kindergarten to eighth grade.“It’s been a great experience,” said WCHS Lady Pioneer head coach Shea Panter, who ran the camp along with some high school student helpers. “It’s nice to see students who start young, then move up as they become part of the elementary and middle school programs up to the high school level. Many of the same student-athletes come to camp every year as well, working on the new skills they’ve learned and developed along the way.”The students had four floors in which to conduct training, as the auxiliary gym was used for the kindergarten and early grades where a reduced size and height hoop was used, while downstairs was able to be divided among the higher grades.Younger players exhibited some impressive skills as they practiced five-on-five game scenarios by making layups and repetitive shots with accuracy and skill which belied their grade level.
On-court camping