Default having been made in the payment of the debts and obligations secured to be paid by a certain Deed of Trust executed July 14, 2006 by Reed R. Johnson and Marcianne Johnson, husband and wife to PRLAP, INC., as Trustee, as same appears of record in the office of the Register of Van Buren County, Tennessee, in Book RB29, Page 621, and the undersigned having been appointed Substitute Trustee by instrument recorded, in the said Register's Office, and the owner of the debt secured, Bank Of America, N.A., having requested the undersigned to advertise and sell the property described in and conveyed by said Deed of Trust, all of said indebtedness having matured by default in the payment of a part thereof, at the option of the owner, this is to give notice that the undersigned will, on Wednesday, June 11, 2014 commencing at 03:00 PM, at the Front Door of the Courthouse, Spencer, Van Buren County, Tennessee proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit:
Situated in County of Van Buren, State of Tennessee.
Located in the FOURTH CIVIL DISTRICT of Van Buren County, Tennessee, without the corporate limits of any municipality and being more particularly described as follows: Being designated as Lot 73, ROCKY RIVER VISTA SUBDIVISION, as shown on the plat of same of record in Plat Cabinet 1, Page 184, in the Register's Office for Van Buren County, Tennessee, to which plat specific reference is hereby made for a more particular description of said lot. Subject to restrictions for Rocky River Vista Subdivision, of record in Record Book 26, Page 86 and Record Book 26, Page 386, in the Register's Office for Van Buren County, Tennessee. Subject to reservation of mineral rights by the J. M. Huber Corporation in Book 8, Page 69. Subject to easements and other matters of record as shown in Plat Cabinet 1, Page 185, Book 26Z, Page 517, Miscellaneous Book 4, Page 490, and Record Book 20, Page 703. Excluding rights-of-way to Caney Fork Electric Cooperative, dated June 24, 1969 and of record in Warranty Deed Book 15-0, Page 355, and Corrective Right-of-way dated February 11, 1977, of record in Warranty Deed Book 26-Z, Page 517, and easement of record to remove trees to Caney Fork Electric Cooperative dated March 15, 1978, of record in Miscellaneous Book 4, Page 490, Register's Office, Van Buren County, Tennessee. No boundary survey was made at the time of this conveyance and the legal description is not different from the previous deed of record.
Tax Parcel ID: 056-857.00
Property Address: Lot 73 Rocky River Vista Subdivision, Spencer, TN.
All right and equity of redemption, homestead and dower waived in said Deed of Trust, and the title is believed to be good, but the undersigned will sell and convey only as Substitute Trustee.
ARNOLD M. WEISS, Substitute Trustee
Weiss Spicer Cash PLLC
208 Adams Avenue
Memphis, Tennessee 38l03
File # 1701-113407-FC
6576 F3t5-23