Here are a few points to consider now that it appears our Driver Testing Center will in fact be towed to that giant junkyard in the sky.The blame squarely falls on our Tennessee lawmakers, who are proud to boast the state has never had more money, while at the same time cutting a vital service.The state is scheduled to contribute $132 million to its rainy day fund this fiscal year, bringing the fund to a record $800 million. It's disheartening to think that out of all those millions, state lawmakers couldn't find $50,000 to keep our Driver Testing Center open.At the local level, city officials had a chance to save our Driver Testing Center for two more years, but decided against it. I can see both sides of this.On one side, the city had a chance to keep a crucial service center here in town for a reasonable price of $2,000 a month.
The Scoop 6-16
State failed us on Driver Center