by STEVE STUBBLEFIELD USDA’s Direct and Counter Cyclical Payments (DCP) and Average Crop Revenue Election (ACRE) programs will continue through Aug. 2 and June 3, 2013, respectively.These programs provide income support to producers. Although the programs vary somewhat, both involve a farm’s planting history and established acreage bases.Warren County Farm Service Agency director Steve Stubblefield says DCP program benefits do not depend on the current production choices of the farmer.“DCP payments are based on the historical acreage and yields that have been established on a farm,” said Stubblefield. “A producer on a farm with established base acres may choose to annually enroll the farm in a DCP contract.Depending on the farm’s planting history, a farm may have base acres established for one or more commodities such as corn, wheat, barley, grain sorghum, cotton, wheat, rice, or soybeans.The Average Crop Revenue Election or ACRE program permits producers on farms with a covered commodity base acre to participate in the 2013 crop year.
Enrollment continues for two programs