Magness Library and Community House acknowledges with grateful appreciation the following memorial contributions:AP Boldin is remembered with a memorial contribution given by Sally Shelton.Sandra Boldin is remembered with a memorial contribution given by Sally Shelton.Mary Jo Boyd is remembered with a memorial contribution given by Judith Roney.Catherine Davis and Frank Davis Farrar are remembered with a memorial contribution given by Ladye Jane Hunter.Frank Farrar is remembered with memorial contributions given by William Lively IV, GA Shull, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Myers III and Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Mullican.Jane Ingle is remembered with a memorial contribution given by Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Myers III.Kathy Kemezis is remembered with memorial contributions given by Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Myers III and Sally Shelton.Shelbie Jean Kirby is remembered with a memorial contribution given by Clyde Kirby, Jennifer Keen, and Jason Kirby.Richard Lewis is remembered with a memorial contribution given by Rachel Killebrew.Glenda Martin McBride is remembered with a memorial contribution given by Sally Shelton.Ruth McGee is remembered with a memorial contribution given by Harry Preston.Robert McReynolds is remembered with a memorial contribution given by McMinnville City High class of 1969.Dot Molloy is remembered with memorial contributions given by Elizabeth Crain and Judith Roney.Katherine Sutton Neal is remembered with a memorial contribution given by Judith Roney.Jeannie Pelham Roller is remembered with memorial contributions given by Elizabeth Crain and Judith Roney.Marvin Campen is remembered with a donation to the Children’s Remodel Fund by Cynthia, Daisy, and Katy Campen.Cynthia MacLean made a donation to the Children’s Remodel Fund.Suchitra Mukherji made a donation to the Library.W.T. Mullican made a donation to the Library.Other book and memorial contributions will be acknowledged in future issues of the Southern Standard.Magness Library and Community House invites book memorial and honorary contributions. Making a contribution to the library to remember a deceased family member, friend or colleague funds a memorial that benefits both the library and a community of readers. A contribution in honor of someone’s devotion to family or service to the community, or to commemorate a special occasion or notable event funds a tribute that will reflect your appreciation and enrich the lives of those who use the library.
Magness Library Memorial Donations 1-20