Magness Library and Community House acknowledges with grateful appreciation the following memorial contributions:Don Evans is remembered with a memorial contribution given by the Central High Class of ‘57.Maxine Fisher Grissom is remembered with memorial contributions given by Christine Gribble, Donna and James Goolsby, Jane and Larry Flat, Nick and Whitney Harrell, Bryan, Kaitlyn, Brylyn and Madison McAdams; Ronnie and Cindy Rogers, Ronald and Angela Gribble, Lucille Wit, Phyllis Deweese, Velma and Tony Stiles, Donna and Earl McCoy, and Levoy and Teresa Knowles.Wheeler K. McGregor is remembered with a memorial contribution given by Amy Orrick.Jeremy Orrick is honored with a contribution given by Amy Orrick.Judy Brewer is remembered with a memorial contribution given by Minnie and Heather Chandler.Sarah Osment is remembered with a memorial contribution given by Cumberland Lumber and Mfg. Co., Inc.Joe Brown Garrison is remembered with memorial contributions given by Pat and Wally Bigbee, Don and Mary Collette, and the Central High School Class of 1952.Betty Howard is remembered with a memorial contribution given by Donald and Nancy Nelson.Norma Evelyn Mills is remembered with a memorial contribution given by Mr. and Mrs. Tom Duggin.Louise Greene is remembered with a memorial contribution given by Gene and Margaret Sparkman.Janice McGiboney Howard is remembered with a memorial contribution given by Donna Deaton.Paul Phifer Jr., is remembered with a memorial contribution given by 1969 Class of City High School.Joice Mayes is remembered with memorial contributions given by Gail Woodlee, and Earl and Marie Blair.William Lewis Drake is remembered with a memorial contribution given by Ladye Jane Hunter. Thomas Isaiah Hodges is remembered with a memorial contribution given by Cumberland Lumber and Mfg.
Magness Library and Community House recognizes generous donors